Should You Be An Entrepreneur?
This question seems to be quite obvious. However most people think starting a business has to do with a nature of one's ability and etc. Whether you are fit to start up a business or not, Daniel Isenburg, professor of Management and Practice, Babson College in Boston, had come up with a series of questions that can give you and guide you whether you fit for a business
Some of your friends might be doing it. People who do it are in the front pages and web almost every day. Even President Obama is talking about it. So should you do it? Prof Daniel's a 2–minute Isenberg Entrepreneur Test, below, to help you find out. Just answer yes or no. Be honest with yourself and take this test.
- I don't like being told what to do by people who are less capable than I am.
- I like challenging myself.
- I like to win.
- I like being my own boss.
- I always look for new and better ways to do things.
- I like to question conventional wisdom.
- I like to get people together in order to get things done.
- People get excited by my ideas.
- I am rarely satisfied or complacent.
- I can't sit still.
- I can usually work my way out of a difficult situation.
- I would rather fail at my own thing than succeed at someone else's.
- Whenever there is a problem, I am ready to jump right in.
- I think old dogs can learn — even invent — new tricks.
- Members of my family run their own businesses.
- I have friends who run their own businesses.
- I worked after school and during vacations when I was growing up.
- I get an adrenaline rush from selling things.
- I am exhilarated by achieving results.
- I could have written a better test than Isenberg (and here is what I would change ....)
If you answered "yes" on 17 or more of these questions, you might fit and start yourself a company.
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