Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kernel Builders Appeal For Open Source Drivers

"The Linux kernel development community has released a statement emphasizing the need for open source drivers. The statement, signed by 135 developers, is aimed at preventing future vendors from following the closed source path. One holdout cited is Nvidia. The Linux Foundation has also released a statement in support: 'The Linux Foundation recommends that hardware manufacturers provide open source kernel modules. The open source nature of Linux is intrinsic to its success. We encourage manufacturers to work with the kernel community to provide open source kernel modules in order to enable their users and themselves to take advantage of the considerable benefits that Linux makes possible."


What is this mean is that we will see a complete Linux DESKTOP enviroment. Users will have an ease in terms of installation and finding the right set of drivers for a particular system and etc.

Nokia now owns 100% of Symbian

HELSINKI, June 24 (Reuters) - Nokia Corp is buying out other shareholders of handset software firm Symbian Ltd and will open the software for royalty-free use in a move seen as a response to new rivals such as Google.

Symbian's software is used in two-thirds of so-called smartphones with computer-like capabilities and 6 percent of all cellphones, but open-source platforms such as Google's Android as well as Apple's iPhone will challenge its dominance.

Complete story can be found here: