Tuesday, August 28, 2007

RIT has whiz kid (IPhone GSM cracker)

George Hotz can't stop his iPhone from ringing as he arrives at Rochester Institute of Technology dorm yesterday. Teen will hand over phone for $30,000 Nissan roadster.

A New Jersey whiz kid had an easier time cracking an iPhone than selling it.

George Hotz, 17, who figured out how to unlock an iPhone so it can use a service plan other than AT&T, has given up on his quest to auction off his jury-rigged phone on eBay because of too many bogus bidders.

"Once the offers went above like $10,000, $20,000 I knew they were bogus," said Hotz, of Glen Rock. "There's no way anyone would pay millions for this phone."

But high-tech mogul Terry Daidone offered a legitimate deal for the unlocked iPhone that Hotz couldn't pass up: a new Nissan 350Z roadster and three, new 8GB iPhones.

Daidone, founder of CertiCell, a company that refurbishes old cell phones, called Hotz yesterday with an offer to trade the $30,000 wheels for the historic cell phone.

A complete story can be found here:



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